Original Program Date: September 2, 2020
The bigotry and barriers of systemic oppression are all around us. Many of us consider ourselves to be nice, open-minded people, free of racist thoughts or actions…but it is this very mindset that is dangerous and helps to keep they cycles of oppression going. It is often easier to see the biases and prejudices of others, but it is imperative that we take a hard look within ourselves – regardless of how “good” or “well intended” we are. We must examine both bias and internalized oppression.
Turning inward is not only the first step, but it is also a lifelong task of self-exploration necessary towards justice and liberation. Join facilitator Rachel Luce-Hitt as we embark on a journey of doing this inner work.
Below are the links that were discussed during the presentation:
The following links were discussed during the program: (image of the ADL Pyramid of Hate is attached)
Harvard Implicit Bias Test: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html
ADLTable Talk on Race, Perception and Implicit Bias https://www.adl.org/education/resources/tools-and-strategies/table-talk/race-perception-and-implicit-bias
50 Ways to Fight Bias: https://leanin.org/circles/50-ways-to-fight-bias
Book The Inner Work of Racial Justice by Rhonda Magee: https://amzn.to/34T4FwS