Take Action Institute’s virtual event with Eric Vaughn
This special program is hosted by the Holocaust Center’s Take Action Initiative and is open to high school and college students.
Topic: Take Action Institute’s virtual event with Eric Vaughn
Time: Mar 27, 2022 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Location: Zoom
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88509921687?pwd=YWY3ZEJubWswN2lVSmt6eXBNNEFuZz09
Meeting ID: 885 0992 1687
Passcode: 093209
So, What Can We Say Now?
Join us for an engaging and interactive conversation as we discuss two controversial bills in Florida. These bills have been labeled the “Stop Woke” and “Don’t Say Gay” bills. Together we will break down the bills and discuss what this means for students and educators across Florida. Additionally, we will collaborate on ways we can affect change in our communities.
Eric Vaughan
Eric currently serves as the Director of Programs at Community Tampa Bay. In addition, Eric teaches community journalism and food writing courses at the University of South Florida -St. Petersburg. Previously, Eric worked as the Director of LGBTQ Programs and Polices for the New York City Department of Education ensuring students across NYC were affirmed and safe in schools. He has a passion for working with youth and has worked as a high school teacher as well as within several nonprofits dedicated to the empowerment of youth voice and advocacy. Eric is passionate about food, literature, and social justice. In his spare time, Eric enjoys writing, bike riding around St. Petersburg and traveling.
Eric has a BA in English Literature and received a double masters in Social Justice and Digital Communication from the University of South Florida- St. Petersburg.