Lawyers Without Rights: Jewish Lawyers in Germany Under the Third Reich
When: June 30, 6:00-7:30 PM
This program is free to attend, but registration is required
The Holocaust Center invites the Central Florida community to attend the opening reception for its newest touring exhibit – Lawyers Without Rights: Jewish Lawyers in Germany Under the Third Reich, presented in association with the American Bar Association and German Federal Bar.
The opening reception includes a short program featuring speakers from the American Bar Association and local law community who offer note-worthy context to the exhibit, bridging historical and contemporary issues related to social justices and erosion of rights in the legal system. Visit the exhibit and enjoy lite bites and refreshments following the program.
This powerful exhibit explores the fate of Jewish lawyers in Berlin and all of Germany, as more than a historical footnote – as a wake-up call that a system of justice free of improper political considerations remains fragile and should never be taken for granted. The exhibit is on display from June 30, 2022 – August 19, 2022.
Exhibit Sponsors:
Losey PLLC
Kubicki Draper
Jill S. Schwartz & Associates, P.A.
Holland & Knight, LLP
Exhibits and programs presented in part with the generous support of the following: