Invest In Us

Help Us Continue Our Efforts

There are many ways to support the important work being done by the Holocaust Center. Whether you wish to make a donation or volunteer your time, your efforts help us to ensure our community is one in which everyone is valued and respected.

In addition to monetary donations, you can support us through a variety of contributions. Honor or remember the people and events important to you, choose to fund specific programs, send gifts in bequest, and more.

Make a gift to support the mission of the Holocaust Center through the United Arts Collaborative Campaign. Donations made February 1st  – April 30th through United Arts will receive a 15% match.

Make a designated gift to our capital campaign to support the creation of the future Holocaust Museum for Hope & Humanity.


General Donations

Click on the “Donate Now” button below to make a gift to the Holocaust Center with your credit card.  If you’d like to make a donation with a credit card over the phone please call (407) 628-0555If you would prefer to make a donation by check, please mail it to:

The Holocaust Memorial Resource & Education Center
851 N. Maitland Ave
Maitland, FL 32751


Make a gift to the Holocaust Center in honor or in memory of someone close to your heart. Expressions of gratitude through philanthropy or in celebration of life events are deeply appreciated and most meaningful. Simply select “yes” to add a gift designation on the online form and we’ll send a card informing your special friend or family member of your thoughtfulness.

Make a Planned Gift

A Lasting Legacy

By thoughtfully integrating the Holocaust  Center into your future plans, you can make a transformative gift that extends far beyond today. Your generous gift can help sustain this important work so that we have hope for a more compassionate world in the future. Include the Holocaust Center in your will or estate plans to help sustain our important work for generations to come. We can help you start the discussion with your tax and legal advisors about your wishes regarding your financial goals and creating a legacy that lasts forever. For more information contact Kathy Turner, VP, Marketing & Development
by phone at 407-628-0555 x285 or by email.

Use Your Social Media For Good

Host a fundraiser online for the Holocause Center using Facebook or Instagram.  Share your connection to the Holocaust Center and why you support our work.  Then, invite others to support our mission too!  


Matching Gifts

Many employers offer gift-matching programs, where the company will match a contribution an employee makes. Check with your employer. You could double the impact of your donation.

If you have questions about matching gifts, please contact Kathy Turner by phone at (407) 628-0555, ext. 285 or email.

Archival Donations

We welcome donations of archival materials that help teach the history of the Holocaust and its important lessons. Please contact Stephen Poynor, Education Curator, by phone at (407) 628-0555, ext. 283 or email if you have items you’d consider adding to our collection.

Gifts In Kind

Donated items can range from artifacts, books, papers, and documents for the library to office machines and supplies. If you have a contribution in mind, please contact Kathy Turner, VP, Marketing & Development, by phone at (407) 628-0555, ext. 285 or by email.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are essential to the Holocaust Center’s weekly operation, outreach, and programming. Schedules are flexible, training is provided, and your efforts are greatly appreciated. There are many ways you can help.
Please call Stacey Weiss at (407) 628-0555, ext. 284 or email.